Easy to use cloud based schedule validation with Schedule Validator: Learn More.

In some cases, we work with clients for the project’s duration and beyond. In others, we’re procured to achieve a one-time specific outcome, like provisioning specialized software or project controls services. No matter where you are in your project lifecycle, we provide a robust suite of high value products and services that drive better project and business outcomes.

Our decades of project experience, with specialized knowledge of today’s cutting edge project tools and technologies—along with our dedication with data-driven decision making and detached objectivity—we provide your organization and project the invaluable power of perspective.

Needs Assessment

When you’re working on any project, there is only one outcome that matters – meeting project objectives. Meeting the project objectives for schedule and cost are significant in achieving project success. For schedule objectives, this means completion of the project within the approved timeline. For meeting cost objectives, this means completion of the project within the approved budget.

Through a comprehensive review process,  we work with our clients to identify gaps and develop a plan for resolution, which may involve optimization of processes, implementation of tools or training.

Risk Assessment

The delayed, over budget project has become so common, it’s almost considered an inevitability or the norm. Scope creep and unforeseen events that occur during project execution are significant contributors to the impact on the overall schedule and budget.

Managing uncertainties, both threats and opportunities, will greatly benefit the project in meeting the established objectives.

As third party risk assessment facilitators, we help our clients manage the uncertainties for their projects from conception through to completion, bringing an unbiased perspective to the client team.

Learn about Acumen Risk: Schedule & Project Cost Risk Analysis

Project Controls

Petroglyph has a proven history of providing specialized project controls services for our clients. Often our clients require  short-term expertise and support.

Some of the services we provide include:

  • Project controls process development
  • Optimization of existing project controls processes and workflows
  • Project controls tool implementation
  • Cost estimate review
  • Schedule development and preparation of schedule basis
  • Schedule review and optimization
  • Facilitation of integrated planning sessions
  • Claims analysis support

Support requirements can vary depending on the stage of the project.  We collaborative with our client’s team to augment their capabilities by providing the right skill set to achieve success.

Planning and Scheduling

As seasoned project people, we understand the importance of having a reliable project schedule and basis that accurately reflects the execution plan and is aligned with the project cost estimate. Using our expertise with tools such as P6, Tilos, Powerproject and MS Project, we work with our clients to develop a meaningful and effective plan for executing the project.

Our services include:

  • Training
  • Planning tools implementation
  • Bid schedule development
  • Schedule review and assessment
  • Linear schedule development using Tilos
  • Facilitation of integrated planning sessions
  • Optimization of alignment based schedules
  • Providing schedule resources
  • Claims analysis support

Establishing a baseline schedule for a project, that has buy-in from all project stakeholders, positively positions the project for visibility into the execution plan and measuring performance against the plan.

Learn about Schedule Validator: Schedule Analysis & Validation Software

Project Resources

We understand that you are busy and may need additional resources to achieve your project’s deliverables.  It may be difficult to find, and train, the right resource for the job at hand.   At Petroglyph, we have a history of providing additional project resources for your project. Whether it is a field resource or a project controls requirement, we bring our extensive experience in project controls to your team.  Sometimes we are involved in a project throughout the entire construction, other times we provide our expertise for specific tasks – such as schedule reviews, schedule preparation, bid schedules and project controls process development.

The right kind of support at the right time can make the difference between a project meeting project objectives and one that can be plagued with problems.