Supporting Global Leaders
in Construction, Engineering, Energy, and Infrastructure
We provide world class construction project management, project controls, and project execution solutions. Our focus is specialized software solutions, training, and professional consulting services around our product offerings. Consulting includes provision of planning and scheduling expertise, workflow and process development, project controls procedural implementation, risk assessment facilitation, software implementation, and third-party assessment of documents, digital construction solutions.
Software Solutions and Project Control Services
for improving the outcome of your project
Petroglyph Projects delivers results using the power of perspective that comes from identifying and optimizing the metrics that matter. We support project planners, schedulers, owners, estimators, managers and project controls professionals through each stage of a project by providing a full suite of customizable, end-to-end project controls and project delivery services.
Powerproject is an easy to use, cost effective yet powerful project management software tool that was designed by construction professionals. Whether you are responsible for managing a single project, or a portfolio of projects, Powerproject provides you with the ability to easily build a schedule or import schedules created in other planning tools or in Excel.
Want to learn more about Powerproject?
Schedule Validator
The complete schedule analytics and validation tool. Identify and manage risks with industry-leading schedule analytics and reporting.
Generate easy-to-read comparative analyses with enhanced details that can be used directly in your own narrative reports. Easily compare schedule changes, milestone status, critical path analysis, and more.
Want to learn more about Schedule Validator?
Tilos combines time and location to give you a smarter, easier way to create accurate, optimised construction project plans, and to quickly update these plans as schedule changes occur. Tilos is fully integrated with traditional, one-dimensional, time-based, planning tools such as Primavera P6, MS Project, Powerproject and Excel. If you already have a project plan, then you can easily bring it into Tilos. If your project is complex, with lots of right-of-way constraints, then it is often easier to plan directly in Tilos and export back to another planning tool if required.
Want to learn more about linear scheduling and Trimble Tilos?
Deltek Acumen
Ensure Project Success Through Schedule Analytics, and Project Risk Analysis and Optimization. Use the Acumen toolset improve and validate schedule quality, identify and manage the risks and accelerate completion dates to meet critical project milestones. The Acumen tool suite resolves project shortcomings in minutes by identifying issues using Acumen Fuse. Acumen Risk provides a easy to use, integrated schedule and cost risk analysis. Acumen 360 optimizes your schedule by utilizing an interactive acceleration engine.
Want to learn more about Deltek Acumen?
Trimble Digital Connected Construction Solutions
Trimble is your partner to create a completely connected construction project plan, from feasibility planning to project completion. Trimble’s Civil Engineering solutions are used by thousands of companies worldwide. Whether you are trying to optimize your route, prepare quantity takeoffs for site or corridors or to create a bid estimate , Trimble’s Civil Engineering Ecosystem of solutions has something for you.
Want to learn more about Trimble Digital Construction Solutions?
Phase Manager
Phase Manager makes creating a construction project phase document easy, accurate, and reliable. Enhance communication throughout the entire life of the construction project. Plan and schedule work rates by phases, right on the site plan. Used for public consultation phases, bids and proposals, utilized by stakeholders during construction, and great tools during claims.
Want to learn more about Phase Manager?
One of the major advantages of ISETIA is providing fully integrated construction project management and document management functionality in one platform. The solution is fully adaptable and tailored to the needs of the customer.
Want to learn more about ISETIA?
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From Our Blog
We continuously offer world class tools, processes and perspectives at one of our many events or through regular articles and publications.